Did You Know? Cancellation Option Available Until 2 Hours Prior to Contests

It’s inevitable – we all have something come up that may prevent us from playing a contest in a given day.  The dog might have eaten our PPs, or maybe we just don’t feel up to the task.  Fortunately, at HorseTourneys, players have the option of cancelling entries up to two (2) hours prior to the start of a contest.

The cancel option is found on the “Purchase Entries” page, at the bottom where your purchased entries are displayed.  Cancel links are provided for each contest to which you have purchased entries.  You may cancel any entry up until two hours prior to the start time of an event.

There is a 10 percent cancel fee applied to a cancelled entry (so for instance, if a contest cost $50, you would receive $45 back to your account).  This is necessary to prevent abuse of the cancel privilege and manipulation of contest entries.  However, if you have to cancel, send us an email at support@horsetourneys.com explaining the reason why and we’ll give you every consideration for a refund of that cancel fee.