DIRECT Feeders to Horse Player World Series (HPWS) Weekend Qualifiers Now Held Daily

From now through the Horse Player World Series in March, HorseTourneys will run daily, low-cost feeder contests that will feed into the main HPWS qualifiers held every weekend. We’ll host a main HPWS “ENTRY ONLY” qualifier every Saturday, and a main HPWS “FULL PACKAGE” qualifier every Sunday.

-HPWS Entry-Only Feeders: $19 to Win $50 entry to Saturday qualifier, 1 per 3 entries awarded

-HPWS FULL PACKAGE Feeders: $26 to Win $96 entry to Sunday qualifier, 1 per 4 entries awarded

The main HPWS qualifiers on each weekend date will rotate between the REGULAR and PICK & PRAY selections formats. I.e., one weekend, both qualifiers will run under the REGULAR format, while the next weekend, both will run under the PICK & PRAY format. This gives players a chance to play in both formats on a regular basis.

Please note that ALL HPWS Feeder events will run under the PICK & PRAY format.

Entry-Only HPWS qualifiers may be offered on other dates in addition to the weekly Saturday qualifier.

Contact us with any questions and best of luck in your HPWS pursuits.