New Sat. Night $1,000 Cash Game, Additional NHC Last Chance Qualifier Among Weekend Highlights

There are several new additions to the upcoming weekend’s lineup. Let’s take a look in chronological order, starting with Friday.


We will again host a $5,000 Guaranteed game with $2,500 to the winner and prizes down to fourth. Entry is $185. Contest races will be the 7th through 10th at Aqueduct; the 8th and 9th at Tampa and the 5th through 8th at Fair Grounds – 10 races in all.

Also scheduled, by popular demand, is a special Friday edition of our Treasure Island NHC Last Chance qualifier. Last Sunday’s first Last Chance qualifier attracted such a large field (We had nine winners.) that it makes sense to run two such tourneys this weekend. So we’ve added one on Friday with the entry fee still at $58 and one in 10 winning a $500 entry to the NHC eve contest in Las Vegas. And if you wind up qualifying for the NHC subsequent to this qualifier but before the Last Chance event, you can receive $500 site credit in lieu of the entry, as long as you let us know by January 21.

On to Saturday:


Our most lucrative tourney on Saturday is a $25,000 Guaranteed event in which we will pay full prizes down to 8th place, including $12,500 to the winner, no matter how many sign up. Entry is $260 and contest races are the 7th through 11 at Gulfstream; the 7th and 8th races at both Tampa and Laurel, and the 5th, 7th and 8th races at Fair Grounds.

Saturday will also bring us another Horse Player World Series Full-Package tourney. The HPWS game offers a $1,500 entry to the HPWS plus four nights at The Orleans and another $500 for your travel. Entry is $116 with one per each 25 entries emerging victorious. Contest races are the same as for our $25,000 tourney.

We also have two new additions to this Saturday’s menu. Both will take place on Saturday night.

One is a $1,000 Guaranteed game for $55 with prizes down to 3rd place and $500 to the winner. The other is a free feeder (restricted to those who have played $1,000+ lifetime on our site) with the top 2 winning their way into our Sunday $58 NHC Last Chance qualifier. Don’t get shut out as entries are capped at 400 for this one. Contest races are TBD for these two new events.

As for Sunday:


On Sunday, we have another free offering: a free exacta box tournament on the Los Alamitos Quarter Horse races and to qualify, you must have played just $100+ lifetime. Entries here are capped at 500, and these races don’t take long. If we’re lucky, they’ll all be run while they’re in huddles during Sunday Night Football!

Of course, as alluded to earlier, we will also host another NHC Last Chance tournament for $58 with one in 10 winning.

We have two other featured direct qualifiers slated for Sunday. One is for the Surfside tourneys on Dec. 30- Jan. 1. Entries here cost $98 with one in 20 winning $1,180 in entry fees (enough for all three days) plus $500 travel. The other is our entry-only Horse Player World Series qualifier with one in 20 (at $87/entry) winning a $1,500 entry to the 2017 HPWS.

For cash game specialists, there’s our $7,500 Guaranteed game on Sunday with $3,750 to the winner and payments down to 5th. Entry is $190 if you haven’t qualified via feeder before then. And, last but not least, we’ll be hosting our $1,500 Guaranteed Exacta Box tournament for $54 ($600 up top). So (along with the free Los Al Quarters game) that makes two Sunday exacta box tourneys you’ll want to make plans for.

Whether you’re playing just our free games, our big $25,000 guaranteed tourney on Saturday, or some of the hundreds of games in between those price points, we wish you good luck and good fun.