HorseTourneys is Your Exclusive October Home for Online Qualifying to the NHC

If you’re looking to qualify online this month for next February’s National Horseplayers Championship (NHC) at Treasure Island in Las Vegas, look no further than

For the month of October, HorseTourneys will not only be the one and only place to qualify online for horse racing’s most prestigious tournament, but we’ll be ramping up qualifying opportunities like never before.

Take this weekend for example:

During this weekend, and each of the four weekends in October, we’ll be offering plenty of the traditional 2-seat-guaranteed qualifiers for $165. But those who prefer to play for higher entry fees in exchange for a better chance at a reward will have several chances to take part in our (relatively) new NHC Super Qualifiers which carry an attractive winning ratio of 1 in just 21. We plan to offer a Super Qualifier each Sunday in October.

Of course, lots of players have the mindset of “It’s either my day or it isn’t,” and many of them prefer lower-entry-fee qualifiers. If this sounds like you, then keep your eyes peeled for our special $75 NHC direct qualifiers that we’ll be offering every other weekend.

There are probably still others out there who can’t figure out why a spendthrift would risk $75 on a qualifier when there are low-cost feeders available every week for as little as $18.

Rest assured…with as many direct qualifiers as we’ll be offering this month, we’ll be posting more NHC feeders than ever, including many at that popular $18 price point. And those feeders will come in every stripe: Single-track, multi-track, big-track, small-track, 12-race, 6-race early bird…and everything in between.

So if you want to “Get qualified” in October, what you really need to do is get to HorseTourneys. Whether your strategy is to keep firing until you win or to cherry pick guaranteed tournaments that might have lower-than-expected turnouts, you’ll have ample opportunity to do all that and then some all this month.

Have fun…and good luck!