New Qualifiers for Aqueduct, Hawthorne Plus Five Guaranteed NHC Seats, Four Guaranteed BCBC Spots Top 17 Featured Tourneys This Weekend

If your post Breeders’ Cup calendar for November looks a little bare, we can help you fill it up. This weekend—Sunday to be precise—we’ll be offering the year’s first qualifiers to both the Aqueduct Challenge on November 8 and the Hawthorne Fall NHC Super Qualifier on November 24-25. Those are just two of 17 featured tourneys slated for this weekend.

We start the weekend off at HorseTourneys on Friday with our popular $6,000 Guaranteed Pick & Pray with pool-style payoffs that could mean a total payout as high as $10,000 depending on how many play. It’s $190 to be in it. And, of course, you have to be in it to win it.

Contest races are the 7th and 8th from Laurel, the 6th through 9th at Keeneland; and the 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th at Santa Anita—10 races in all.

Using the same races, HorsePlayers will host a Friday Low Ratio BCBC Pick & Pray qualifier with a $10,000 entry guaranteed, and one entry per 23 (at $500 each) moving on to the BCBC, which is now barely two weeks away.

This is one of four guaranteed BCBC seats up for grabs this weekend at HorsePlayers.

Two more of those Guaranteed BCBC seats will be won on Saturday at HorsePlayers.

You can play in a Guaranteed BCBC qualifier on Saturday for $179. Or you could limit the field of competitors by playing in that day’s $1,000 Super Qualifier with a victory-friendly 1 in 11 winning ratio. Both of these BCBC games will operate in live-format this week.

Back at HorseTourneys, two more guaranteed NHC seats are at stake in a traditional, $165 live-format competition with 1 in 65 moving on to Treasure Island.

We’ll also host a Saturday qualifier (live-format) for the fast-approaching Del Mar Fall Classic on November 11-12, the weekend after Breeders’ Cup. One entry in 25—at $236 each—will earn a $5,000 package.

For cash specialists, Saturday offers a $25,000 Guaranteed tourney with $12,500 to the winner and prizes down to 8th place. The entry fee is $260 with a cap of 107 entries. Perhaps Howard Welsh won’t win this one! (He won both the $25,000 and $15,000 guaranteed contests last weekend…just a week after winning our big $100,000 game.)

Contest races for this and the above Saturday HT/HP featured tourneys are the 1st, 4th and 7th from Santa Anita; the 7th through 10th at Laurel where it’s Maryland Million Day; the 8th and 10th at Belmont, where it’s New York Showcase Day; and the 8th through 10th at Keeneland;—12 races all together.

On to Sunday, when we have 10 featured tourneys scheduled:

For just $58, you can secure your spot at the Aqueduct Challenge. One in 10 will win a $500 entry in this “first chancer.” And if you drive to and from Aqueduct on November 18, you can also try a second Aqueduct Challenge in the form of the Van Wyck Expressway.

Traffic can be bad in Chicagoland too. But hopefully not too bad over Thanksgiving weekend when Hawthorne hosts ifs fall NHC Super Qualifier. For an entry fee of $87, you can win $800 in entry fees in this first-chance Pick & Pray.

There’s a “second-chance” qualifier on Sunday for the December 9 Caribbean Classic Betting Championship at Gulfstream. The Caribbean Classic Betting Championship is a 100% payback, live-bankroll event where you could win seats to the NHC or Pegasus World Cup Betting Championship.

And we’ll again this Sunday offer a $12,500 package to that aforementioned Pegasus World Cup tournament at HorseTourneys. One in 30 entries (at $480 each) will move on to the lucrative January 26-27 event on the weekend prior to the NHC. Each winner receives his or her $12,000 buy-in plus $500 for travel.

There’s also a Guaranteed NHC Super Qualifier Sunday for a $500 entry fee. This live-format contest offers the best winning ratio of the weekend’s NHC events—1 in just 21 will proceed on to Treasure Island. One NHC seat is guaranteed in this one.

And two NHC seats are guaranteed in this one: a regular NHC qualifier on Sunday for $165. It, too, is a live-format game.

Sticking with the Las Vegas theme, you could win a $1,500 entry Sunday in our Horse Player World Series qualifier for $87. One of every 20 entries will earn a $1,500 entry to the land of the Alligator Bar.

Cash game aficionados will surely target our $15,000 Guaranteed Pick & Pray with $7,000 to the winner and payouts down to 7th. Entry is $195 with a limit of 86 entries.

And our Sunday Exacta game will be guaranteed at $2,000 though it be as high as $5,000 depending on how many play. Entry fees for the Sunday three-horse-box game are $72 each.

The Sunday feature at HorsePlayers is another BCBC Qualifier, a “Low Ratio” live-format game with one entry per each 23—at $500 each—earning a $10,000 spot to the big Breeders’ Cup weekend tournament. One entry is guaranteed to be awarded.

Whichever tournament or tournaments you choose, we wish you good racing luck—and also a nice weekend for you and yours.