HorseTourneys Qualifiers at NHC

Eric Wing blog pic

HorseTourneys will be well represented at this weekend’s NHC. McKay Smith and Harry Furlong will be there. So will Bob Nastanovich who, we are delighted to report, will be providing updates and interviews starting Friday via the HorseTourneys Twitter feed (@HorseTourneys).

The above-mentioned three, however, are but a small percentage of what we consider our true HorseTourneys team at the NHC. We feel the true stars of this show are the players who put their pride and yes, dollars, on the line all year long. Here are all 124 of the 2018 NHC contestants who qualified through HorseTourneys. With one notable exception at the top, we are presenting them in alphabetical order:

Ed Peters (This Pelham, N.H. resident receives top billing because, as the winner of the 2017 The BIG One at Laurel, he will win a lump sum bonus from us of $500,000 if his designated, bonus-eligible entry of the two he possesses finishes Sunday on top. That would mean a total windfall of $1.3 million should Ed win.

Ed Peters Pic
Ed Peters

Here are the other HorseTourneys qualifiers playing for a “mere” $800,000:

Steve Abelman

Vincent Achillare

John Agnello

Jason Alonzo

Mark Aylward

Randy Bauer

James Beaumire

Peter Behr (The BIG One)

Michael Beychok (2012 NHC Champion)

Scott Blair

Jobby Blevins

Greg Bone

Amy Brantley

Tony Brice

Rick Broth

Terrance Bushart

John Caraher

George Chute (The BIG One)

Ben Clayton

Mark Commander

David Conover

Tom Cooper

Tim Darnell (The BIG One)

Christopher Dewey

Kenneth Dobiecki

Steven Doodnauth

Peter Dresens

Matt Dugger

Jeff Einardt

Robert Engelhard

Monte Engler

Chris Fallica

John Farrar

Mark Feld

Keith Fenton

Mark Fienberg

Scott Fitzgerald

Frank Foss

Tony Fox

Dennis Gates

Brad Gerson

Bob Gianquitti

Nathaniel Gines

Michael Goodrich (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

Blaise Guadagno

Robert Henie

James Henry

Dino Herrera

Ira Hirsch

Phil Hoedebeck

William Holmes (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

Janice Houston

Timothy Hughes

Jonathan Hurd (The BIG One)

John Iannone

Eric Israel (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

Karl Jacob

Brent Johnson

Lawrence Kahlden

Gloria Kahlden

Jeannie King

Dennis Klein

Greg Knepper

Nick Kochanski (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

John Kosciak

Anthony Laurino

Ed Lawless

Gilbert Maldonado

Michael Marlaire

Robert Masterton

David McCarty

Lynn McGuire

Mike McIntyre (The BIG One)

Jonathan McKinnon

Steve McNatton

Norma Mendoza

James Michelson

Robert Montgomery

Eric Moomey (The BIG One)

Christy Moore

Charles Myers

Scott Nelson (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

John Nichols

David Nichols

G.T. Nixon

Sean Nolan

George Novick

Frank Perri

Joe Pettit

Chris Podratz (The BIG One)

Daryl Pourciau

Ernest Powers (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

Christian Pridy

Jose Raphael (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

Robert Reidy

Ed Reidy

Bernard Reilly

Michael Romano

William Roth

Geoffrey Schutt

Ken Seeman

Richard Seidl (The BIG One)

Paul Shurman

William Shurman

Dennis Spero

Pat Stich

David Sullivan

Ron Tackett

Cheryl Tayala

Tanya Taylor

Tom Timlick

Anthony Trezza

Brian Troop (2010 NHC Champion)

Rick Vasquez

Robert Wada

Michael Webb

Howard Welsh

Sarah Wiener (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

Kevin Willett (2 entries–both earned at HorseTourneys)

Joel Wincowski

Albert Wong

Gary Wright

Mike Yurczyk

Good luck to all!