Karen Carey Wins Belmont Stakes Challenge

Congratulations to Karen Carey, winner of the 2018 Belmont Stakes Challenge. Carey keeps her final bankroll total of $36,571.50 plus she earned a bonus of $60,000 for finishing first, an entry into the 2019 Belmont Stakes Challenge, plus her choice of an entry to the Breeders’ Cup Betting Challenge or the NHC.

The top four finishers all received cash bonuses in addition to their final, live-bankroll amounts, and the top six finishers each won either an NHC or BCBC seat.

Players started with a $7,500 live bankroll and were required to make at least five bets of $600 or more on Friday and at least five bets of $900 or more on Saturday.

To see the complete final leaderboard, visit: https://www.nyrabets.com/Contest-Leaderboard/?contestName=bsc2018