With New “Cart” Option, Buying Entries is Faster and Easier Than Ever Before

The latest upgrade to the HorseTourneys website has just been unveiled. It’s a new “Cart” option that allows players to purchase entries in multiple tourneys, add those purchases to his or her “cart”, then purchase all the entries in a single payment transaction.

No longer will players purchasing entries to, say, five different tourneys have to make five separate purchase transactions.

Here’s a look at how it works:

Let’s say you want to buy an entry to an $18 Parx qualifier. You can still do it the old way via the “Buy Now” option. Or, if you have other shopping to do, you can simply add the $18 entry to your cart. Either way, both options are all right there for you on the home page.

The same option (“Buy Now or “Add to Cart”) also exists on each tourney’s contest page.

Once you select a tourney and add it to your cart, a pop up will appear offering you the option of checking out now, or closing the pop up so you can keep shopping (i.e. adding purchases to your cart).

Once you finish your shopping and click “Checkout Now,” you will be taken to a page that shows what’s in your cart. (John Doe here added a couple of entries in a $22 Parx feeder to go along with his single entry in the $18 feeder.) If there’s anything in your cart that you decide you don’t want, you can quickly and easily remove it by clicking on “Remove”. If everything looks good, click on “Checkout Cart”.

Now you’re almost done. Just click on the box indicating that you accept the terms of purchase, then click “Confirm” and you’re done. Three entries purchased…one purchase transaction.

We hope that you find the new cart option to not just be a time saver, but to be highly intuitive — along the lines of what you’re used to while shopping at Amazon.com or any other popular online site.

Are you a player who visits HorseTourneys primarily via your phone? Have no fear! The cart option is now available on our mobile site as well as on our traditional platform. So whether you’re at home, at the track, or out doing errands, the new cart feature will be there for you.

And coming soon to a computer or phone near you: the cart option on HorsePlayers. In the meantime, enjoy it on HorseTourneys, and if you have any questions, complaints, concerns or suggestions, please do reach out to us at support@horsetourneys.com. We value your opinions, and we want the site to be seen as one that is by contest players for contest players.