If you already have an account at either HorseTourneys or HorsePlayers, that means that you already have an account for both sites.
HorsePlayers.com is a “white label” of HorseTourneys.com, which means that both websites share the same administrative backend. This means that your single account will work at both HorseTourneys.com and HorsePlayers.com. Furthermore, your account balance is shared among both sites. You can deposit into either site, and the funds can then be used on either one.
Please note that players are permitted only one account across both sites. If you think you signed up a new account in error, please reach out to us at support@horsetourneys.com and we’ll gladly take care of the situation for you.
So just remember, you use your same login email address and password at both HorseTourneys.com and HorsePlayers.com. Email us with any questions.