Good news. Thanks to your support, HorseTourneys is able — effective immediately — to increase the minimum purse guarantee on four of our most popular weekly featured cash games.
On Wednesdays, the $79, live-format cash tourney will now have its purse guarantee doubled from $2,000 to $4,000.

Thursday’s $79 Pick & Pray will have a guaranteed purse of $2,500 going forward — up from $1,500.

The Friday $190 Pick & Pray will now offer a guaranteed purse of $15,000, rather than the previous $10,000.

Sunday’s $195 featured cash tourney (for which the format generally alternates each week), will see its purse guarantee upped to $20,000 from $15,000.

Note that the Saturday $260 featured cash tourney will continue to carry a $25,000 guarantee and that — this Saturday only — the guarantee will be lowered to $15,000 in deference to this weekend’s $300,000+ Flo-Cal Faceoff.
The four increases noted above are a result of higher-than-anticipated participation in each of the four weekly competitions. We thank you for that, and rather than respond to a positive (high demand) with a negative (higher entry fees), we prefer to keep the entry fees right where they are and bump up the guarantees instead.
Guarantees certainly always serve the purpose of assuring players that a pot will have a certain minimum worth. At the same time, we feel that their value — or relevance, if you will — diminishes greatly if they are constantly set too low relative to the eventual final amount of the prize pool. So we review them frequently and make adjustments where we feel it is appropriate.
We’re delighted — and grateful — that you have allowed us to move these four guarantees in an upward direction. And if we overshot the mark here or there and you find yourself in an “overlay situation” or two, well…we’re okay with that too.