Live Chat Rules

Participating in Live Chat at HorseTourneys is a privilege.  This privilege is reserved for those that are able to comport themselves appropriately. 

Please note that Live Chat cannot be used for support requests.  Players must submit a Customer Support form if needing assistance. 

The following are most (but not all) of the kinds of conduct that will not be tolerated:

  • Use of profane/vulgar language

Don’t curse, and don’t say vulgar or disgusting things.  “Damn” is OK.  If you think it’s going to be a problem otherwise, don’t say it.

  • Ad Hominem/Personal Attacks

Don’t attack other players personally.

  • Attacks on HorseTourneys/HorsePlayers Management or that of our partners

Don’t attack HorseTourneys/HorsePlayers management, whether as a whole or individual members.  Don’t attack our business partners like the NTRA, Xpressbet, Breeders’ Cup or our partner racetrack management.

  • Inflammatory language regarding jockeys, trainers, owners, or others involved in racing itself

Constructive criticism is fine.  Stating that you wish a jockey would attract a lethal case of Covid and die is not. 

  • Conspiracy Theories

Don’t espouse ridiculous conspiracy theories, especially as it relates to the operation of HorseTourneys/HorsePlayers.

  • Incessant Posting

Don’t post incessantly, unless you truly have something constructive to say.  Don’t yap simply to see your own voice. 

  • Touting/Advertising

Don’t tout services (such as selling picks, podcasts, etc.) and don’t shill or advertise for other services, particularly if in competition with HorseTourneys/HorsePlayers.

Chat activity may be monitored, both in real time and retroactively.  Moreover, players will have the ability to report unacceptable conduct via the Customer Support Form.

Any players discovered to have violated the Chat rules, depending on the severity, will either receive a warning, or lose the privilege to participate in Live Chat.  In some cases, HorseTourneys/HorsePlayers accounts may be revoked outright.

Please be respectful, and enjoy this feature.