The latest addition to the regular HorseTourneys lineup will premiere this Saturday. It’s a $25-buy-in, $2,000-Guaranteed, Low-Cap tourney, in which the maximum payouts for every mythical $2.00 win and place selection will be $26.00 (12-1) to win and $14.00 (6-1) to place.

The new offering will be scheduled once per week on Saturdays and will be contested on the same 12 races used for that day’s multi-track featured events. The game format will rotate from week to week between Pick & Pray and Live. The initial Low-Cap tourney this Saturday, November 14, will be a Pick & Pray.
Traditional payout caps—20-1 to win and 10-1 to place—will remain in effect for virtually all other mythical, $2.00 win-and-place tourneys at HorseTourneys and HorsePlayers.
These longstanding $42.00-to-win and $22.00-to-place caps have basically stood the test of time in terms of what the majority of our players like best. We have no plans to change them. However, some of our players have indicated interest in a lower-cap game—like the one being introduced—to reduce their chances of falling out of strong contention when a cap horse that they don’t have wins a race.
Of course, we will monitor participation in the next several weeks before deciding whether to continue offering these $25 Low Cap tourneys on a long-term basis. Obviously, if participation warrants, the Low Cap offerings could be expanded. Time will tell.
In any event, you now have a new option to choose from when you make your weekly entry decisions. As always, let us know what you think at support@horsetourneys.com