Even before Travis Pearson’s 2022 HorseTourneys Tour victory was made official, the 2023 HT Tour got underway with Kirk Tesar of Indiana taking the first event of the New Year—a $20,000 Guaranteed Pick & Pray—on Sunday, January 1st.
Once again this year, the HT Tour will be a year-long concluding on Sunday, December 31st. At least $85,000 in bonuses will be awarded. Here’s how the prize structure shakes out:
Our Friday, Saturday and Sunday featured, multi-track cash tourneys (with entry fees ranging from $190 to $350) will again be considered Tour events. So will such tentpole HT events as the Flo-Cal Faceoff, the Players Championship, the Spa & Surf Showdown and The BIG One.
Points will be awarded to the top 10 finishers of each of these tourneys, with the winner getting 10 points, the runner up earning 9 and so on down to the 10th-place finisher, who receives 1 point.
Those top 10 finishers—and only those top 10 finishers—will also receive fractional bonus points designed to reflect the entry fee of a given tourney plus the number of entrants in it. For example, a 5th-place finisher in a $190 Friday feature that attracts 215 entries would pick up 6 points for the 5th-place finish, plus an extra .190 points (reflecting the entry fee) plus .215 points (reflecting the number of entries…for a total of 6.405 HT Tour points earned that day.
Note that a player’s year-end points total will consist of only his or her 10 best scores throughout the Tour year.

In the 2023 HT Tour, there are again four different ways to win.
1. Finish in the top 5 of the cumulative HT Tour points standings at the end of the year (12/31/2023).
The standings leader gets $20,000 in cash, an entry into the 2024 The BIG One and earns the title of “2023 HorseTourneys Player of the Year.
The runner-up receives $10,000 in cash and paid entries into both the 2024 Spa & Surf Showdown and the 2023 Players Championship…or site credit* of $4,000.
The 3rd-place finisher earns $5,000 in cash and entry into the 2023 Spa & Surf Showdown or site credit* of $2,500.
The 4th-place finisher gets a choice of a 2023 Players Championship entry or $2,000 in site credit.
The person who comes in 5th picks up a 2024 Flo-Cal Faceoff entry or $1,500 in HorseTourneys credit.
(*-Site credit prizes from the HorseTourneys Tour must be played, rather than withdrawn in cash, and they also cannot be used to purchase entries to on-site events.)
2. Finish in the top three of the mid-year standings (ending June 30, 2023).
The mid-year HT Tour leader gets $5,000 in cash. The runner-up as of June 30th pockets $2,500. The person in third-place receives $1,000.
3. Finish in the Top 50 in the year-end standings.
In January 2024, we will host a private, single-day, 15-race tourney offering a total of $25,000 in HorseTourneys site credit (including at least $10,000 in site credit to the winner). The players who finish in the Top 10 of the year-end Tour standings will earn two entries into this special tourney. Those in 11th through 50th places will each earn one entry.
3. Win multiple Friday/Saturday/Sunday featured cash tourneys.
Players who win more than one Friday, Saturday or Sunday featured cash tourney (victories must be on the same day…for example, Friday-Friday, Saturday-Saturday, Sunday-Sunday) will receive the following cash bonuses:
Second victory: $500 bonus
Third or more such victory: $1,000 cash bonus.
(Example: A player who wins exactly one Friday, one Saturday and one Sunday featured cash tourney during the calendar year would earn no bonuses. However, a player who wins three Friday featured cash tourneys would earn a total of $1,500 in bonuses — $500 for the second such triumph and $1,000 for the third.)
Once again in 2023, there is absolutely nothing you need to do in order to make yourself “Tour eligible.” Just enter any of our Friday, Saturday or Sunday featured cash tourneys (the ones designated with the “HT Tour” mark on our homepage) and you will automatically be registered for the Tour. There are no fees, payments or membership charges involved. It’s a pure bonus offered up as a “thank you” to those who play our top cash games on a regular basis.
If you have any questions, our HT “Tour guides” are ready to answer them. Just email us at support@horsetourneys.com. In the meantime, good luck in following the footsteps of Travis Pearson and becoming the next HorseTourneys Tour champion!